Movies like “Elf,” “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” and others bring the Christmas spirit to the start of every winter season. Within the thousands of different Christmas movies that come out every year, a few iconic ones stand out. Seniors Eric Silva and Tess Moeller discuss their favorite movies to watch during the Christmas season.
“My favorite is probably “Elf” because I watch it multiple times every year and I don’t get tired of it. It’s Will Ferrell and he’s funny, so I always get a good laugh,” Silva said. “It really gets you in the Christmas spirit.”
Some students note that they discovered their favorite holiday movies in their childhood, as both Silva and Moeller say that their favorite is 1987’s “A Claymation Christmas Celebration.”
“The little claymation shorts are my favorite and my family always loves watching them because they’re just so cute. It seems like it’s common sense,” Moeller said.
Though the Christmas movie options are endless, Silva and Moeller agree that they prefer to rewatch their old favorites.
“The best movies to watch are the ones I watched when I was little, not a single one I’ve seen after that beats it,” Moller said.
But what’s the appeal of rewatching Christmas movies every year?
“It helps me get more into the Christmas Spirit. I don’t really feel like it’s Christmas until I watch a good Christmas movie,” Silva said.
However, Moeller enjoys the films for the humor they provide.
“[I] feel like they’re honestly just like comedies, but they also really get me into the Christmas spirit,” Moeller said.
Various BVN students answered a poll on the BVN News Instagram on what their favorite Christmas movies are. Silva, who is a second-year Capstone Filmmaking student, expressed his opinions on the most popular answers, including “Home Alone,” and “How The Grinch Stole Christmas.”
“I think Home Alone is funny, but it can be annoying if I watch it too many times, so I watch it once, maybe twice,” Silva said. “I think the Dr. Seuss cartoon one is a good kids movie, and I still like it, but the Jim Carrey version is just so much more entertaining, and I can watch it more since he’s so funny and great.”
Moeller considers herself a big Christmas fan, and though she’s not in the CAPS film program like Silva, her deep Christmas spirit still raises a few recommendations.
“If I were to recommend some I would definitely recommend watching all of the ones that come out during the ’90s and early 2000s, those are definitely the gems of Christmas movies,” Moller said.