The Official Student Media of Blue Valley North High School


The Official Student Media of Blue Valley North High School


The Official Student Media of Blue Valley North High School


Sink or Swim: An Honest Review of the New Aquarium


Naturally, when the news broke that the Kansas City Zoo would be building an aquarium, I was ecstatic. Like many, I once had the dream of being a marine biologist. While I may have moved past that phase, the ocean has always interested me, and the lack of quality aquariums in the area has always been disappointing. While I was excited, I was also skeptical. Good aquariums are great, but bad aquariums are really bad. 

This past ACT day was the perfect chance for me and my friends to check the aquarium out. After a short trek from the front and a quick stop by the stingrays, we arrived. The sliding glass doors quickly opened without so much as a squeak. I knew right there that the zoo had stepped it up. The space is lit with an abundance of natural light, and the bright colors give the building a coastal feel. The aquarium is divided into six sections amassing a total of 34 habitats. Each region provides information on both the sea life and the habitats. The zoo has prioritized conservation education with the hope that visitors of all ages will walk away with brand-new knowledge. 

The aquarium also features two touch pools. While there, we shared smiles with young children and adults alike. The opportunity to get up close with animals that would never be found in Kansas is exciting for almost everyone who walks through the doors. 

For those looking for a challenge, try spotting the octopus. As many are aware, octopuses are very intelligent creatures and can camouflage with their surroundings. When peering into the octopus enclosure we were unable to spot it, even with the signs surrounding the window explaining how the octopus might be hiding. While I’m sad we didn’t get the chance to see it, I now have something to look forward to on my next visit. 

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For those who are a fan of the Little Mermaid, the aquarium features some strikingly similar eels. I for one was impressed by the eel enclosure and made eye contact with some shady-looking fellows. My friends and I wasted no time snapping .5s of the eels and we couldn’t stop laughing at the images. 

My favorite part of the aquarium was the large tank featuring a multitude of sea life. My personal favorites were the sharks. There were a few species in the tank, and I thought it was so cool to see them up close. I was enamored with the diversity of the tank and how the different species interacted. Luckily we didn’t see any fish munching down on smaller fish, but it’s unclear if after dark the tank loses some members. Regardless, I was thoroughly impressed by the tank and its inhabitants. 

According to the Kansas City Zoo and Aquarium website, the aquarium features over 8,000 animals and over 200 species. While this may seem like an intimidating number of animals, the layout and design of the new aquarium make it not only approachable but accessible. Zoogoers of all ages will enjoy this new addition. I am thrilled that we have added one more unique activity to the Kansas City lineup!

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About the Contributor
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson, Photo Editor
Alex Robertson is a senior and photo editor of “The North Star.” This is her second year on staff. She has covered sports, student life and the royal family. Outside of the newsroom, she is involved in Sources of Strength, Swim and enjoys photography. She is excited to photograph sports and events as well as bring North stories to life.

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