Will Kansas Go Green?
On Nov. 8, 2022, House Bill 837 was passed making it legal for anyone older than 21 to buy, possess, deliver, use, manufacture and sell marijuana in the state of Missouri. The bill will be in effect on February 6, 2023, making Missouri the 21st state to legalize recreational marijuana. Kansas, on the other hand, remains as one of the only states that has not legalized any possession of medical or recreational marijuana
Although it is illegal to own or use any marijuana in Kansas, politicians are attempting to implement a new legislation that would allow for medical marijuana use. Democrat Gov. Laura Kelly has openly advocated for the legislation, positing that many elderly and impaired citizens are in need of the substance for treatment.
She cited the story of a cancer patient in Hays, KS who was raided by police over the possession of a cannabis vape which he used to treat the pain of his disease. He has since passed away.
“We all know that was ridiculous,” Kelly said. “This is not to blame the police — the police were just enforcing the law. That means the law itself is ridiculous.”
Although Marijuana is illegal in Kansas, BVN students are aware of its presence in the state. Junior Wyatt Baehr is among the group of students who is vehemently against the use of Marijuana, because of the perceived effects it has on its users. Baehr was outraged at the passing of MIssouri’s marijuana legislation, and is hopeful that a similar law does not pass in Kansas.
“I feel deeply upset by this,” Baehr said. “Marijuana is a deeply dangerous and harmful drug that causes many ailments, issues, and maladies. It deeply affects someone’s athletic performance, drive, and causes mood swings.”
Baehr specifically disagrees with the notion that marijuana is a safe drug for Kansas, arguing it leads to other, more dangerous issues.
“I would never use it for myself,” Baehr said. “Marijuana is a gateway drug. You start legalizing Marijuana, you open it up to other drugs as well, such as cocaine, heroin, or methamphetamines.”
There are also plenty of students who will turn 18 in the next election year and who are excited to see Missouri legalize recreational marijuana. Multiple anonymous students spoke about the issue, supporting Missouri’s new legislation and welcoming the idea of Kansas passing a similar measure.
“It’s a great step for the country,” one student said. “Missouri is moving in the right direction, and Kansas should follow suit with its own marijuana legislation as soon as possible. It’s safe and treats multiple issues that plenty of Kansans face.”
While the Missouri legislation is a large step, it will most likely take time before another state such as Kansas passes similar laws, and though it may take time, the students that are soon to be adults are willing to be patient.
“It doesn’t matter how long it takes,” an anonymous student said. “Eventually Kansas and the rest of the United States is going to realize how important this really is.”