Future ‘Stangs

At enrollment night for the incoming freshman class on Jan. 19, the hallways were filled with future mustangs as the class of 2026 searched for their passions. Students and parents learned about how to enroll in specific courses, required courses throughout their high school career, the athletics and the variety of classes and clubs at BVN. The eighth graders also had the opportunity to meet high school students who participate in those different activities.


Eighth grade students were interviewed about their new chapter becoming a mustang. 


Q: What are you most excited about for high school?


A: I’m most excited for probably the extracurricular activities. I’m really excited to join the swim team. 

-Harris Stevens (Overland Trail Middle School alumni)*


A: I’m most excited about getting into the arts and going from there…hopefully getting a career out of it. 

-Jacob Morgan (Leawood Middle School alumni)*


A: I know there’s a lot of new classes we’re able to take, so I’m excited to see what classes we are able to take. 

-Ella Bachta (Leawood Middle School alumni)*


A: The theatre class seems pretty cool and I liked the presentation of journalism. I would love to take journalism. 

-Nathan Schultz (Overland Trail Middle School alumni)*


Q: What are your goals for high school? 


A: [My goal is] to get a lot of college credit and just to make some fun memories before I go to college. 

-Mia Angles (Nativity Parish School alumni)*


A: My goal is to study more. I heard that’s a lot harder and my sister spends like five hours in her room every night just doing homework so I don’t know if I’m mentally prepared for that. -Nathan Schultz (Overland Trail Middle School alumni)*


A: My goal for sophomore year is to be in at least one AP class. 

-Heidi Nelson (Overland Trail Middle School alumni)*


A: [I want to] try new things and I kind of want to try band and get good grades.

 -Lily Pankin (Leawood Middle School alumni)*


Q: Are you planning on doing any extracurricular activities? 


A: I’m definitely doing swim, dive and track and field, and then volleyball.

-Mia Angles (Nativity Parish School alumni)*


A: I really want to do Spanish club and tennis.

 -Lily Panknin (Leawood Middle School alumni)*


A: I’m planning on doing volleyball and softball and some sort of club, I just want to know what [there is] to take. 

-Ella Bachta (Leawood Middle School alumni)*


Q: Is there anything you are going to miss about middle school or are nervous about for high school?


A: I love my middle school like it was so small, and this is so big and scary. I’m nervous for a lot more work, but I’m also scared of the teachers.

 -Heidi Nelson (Overland Trail Middle School alumni)*


A: Our middle school kind of has that weird charm where it’s really cute and…crusty. 

-Addison Clump (Overland Trail Middle School alumni)*


A: [I’m not nervous] for anything specifically, but there’s always a good reason to be nervous with things being new and you don’t know much about it yet. 

-Jacob Morgan (Leawood Middle School alumni)*


*- Soon to be